Sticker Removal???

could scratch though. dont wanna add anymore to the 6 billion that are already on it:(

I just used a razor blade to get the stickers started...get a tab that I could start pulling from. After that it was easy. No scratches from the razor blade. It is kinda weird, the plastics are all scratched up around the stickers and where the stickers were is much shinier!! Won't take long to fix it though!!

IMO, plastics are made to get scratched up. Doesn't affect the ride at all!! They're kinda like tires, a wear item.
picked at it this morning got them all off and cleaned up nice. Then I just spent the last 4 hours or so templating for a skid plate. cut it out and it even works THANKS DOTI:I bolted up now i just gotta put my a arms plates on and she is done.
I did the same thing as ^^xjma^^. If you just take your time and do it slowly and carefully it's really pretty easy but you'll kick yourself if you dig into the plastic.