starter solenoid

if you jump the terminals on the starter and it ticks solenoid is working starter is not. if you jump the terminals and the engine turns over starter is fine. if you push the electric start button and it makes one tick ur battery is probably dead.
it just goes ticccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk while its running. only if i press the start button. thanks so much for the help! also i tried a battery from another atv and it didnt do anything.
so, the "tick" you're hearing is the 2 parts of the solenoid coming together with the charge, there may not be enough power to turn over the motor, so try what I told you earlier to test the starter, its the easiest thing you can do to save the starter, if it works, like ace said, you have a short, or its not getting enough power.
where would there be a short? i put my battery cables on wrong trying to jumpstart it that is why this is not starting. stupid me!! i bought the starter
where would there be a short? i put my battery cables on wrong trying to jumpstart it that is why this is not starting. stupid me!! i bought the starter

you got a tester or a multi meter? its your best friend. it could be an improper/missing ground, crossed wires, bad wires, loose connection, dirty connection.

oh well, you got a extra starter if it isnt the issue, or resell it.
umm replaced the solenoid, checked the wires, replaced the starter, no sparks flew i'm sure its all on right. what else? my dads pissed i need answers fast. also the fuse is good
i fried it up when i put the battery cables on the wrong way. so its not something like that. its either the solenoid or starter both which i replaced.

i have the red wire on positive and the blue one on negative. is that right?
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