spraying frame ?


May 24, 2010
hey guys ,ima be spraying the frame on my yfz silver this weekend or next! do i need to get all the old paint off the frame?if so i have an eletric wire brush so shouldn't be to hard :D and also is there any type of lacquer that will give it a good sparkle effect?thanks guys!
i would go with 3 or 4 depends how well u clean it before hand, make sure its covered, then 3 coats of paint and a good clear coat. up to you how u want to do it
Yep , prep is the key to a fine end result . I know my shee frame is gonna be a task , but the end result will be great to look at . I'm going to bite the bullet and buy a media blaster from Harbor freight tools and make a cabinet the frame will sit in and bead blast it. You don't need a cabinet BUT I will be able to collect the media and re-use it a few times before I gotta buy new . Plus having a cabinet big enough for frames I may pick up some local business along the way . Local shops here want an arm and a leg for just bead blasting .
the first thing you want to do is have everything as clean as you can get it. I would want to pressure wash the frame if possible and then if your not sand blasting scotch brite or sand with 400 depending on if you have rust spots in witch case you would want the wire wheel to get all the rust off. i would even put ospho on rust spots to be sure hey dont return. Then you can put on primer on the spots that need it. If the original paint is in good shape you dont need to go over it with more primer as long as its clean and sanded. The primer spots if any will need to be sanded or scotch brite'd so that paint will stick as well. at this point if your doing base clear coat you can go ahead and wipe everything down again and put at least 2 good coats of basecoat, i usually use 3-4 light coats. Then you can apply 2 good coats of clear, i usually use 2 thick coats of clear. An alternate to base clear you should also consider using a single stage urithane enamel as i have found it is a little more durable than base clear and you only need 2 thick coats and your done. let us know how it turns out!! pics or your lying..
no the frames paint is rubbish! even the colour blue he chose who on earth would choose that colour? lol as i said i have an eletric wire brush which is a beast lol and dose a real good job of taking off spray (did it on my arms) THANKS GUYS!apreciate it!!!
it should come of with the eletric wire brush as my arms were PC'd and it came off with a bit of work!!

If powdercoat comes off by either sanding, a wire wheel, or it flakes off it the sandblaster, then whoever powdercoated it did a really bad job. Who did the PC work?
gibson racing it was PC'd in there factory ill get you a vid if coming off it you belive me!

Figures. Usually companys that makes parts and PC them do a somewhat sh*t job and throw down a thin coat so it doesnt last. No need for a vid, i never said i didnt believe you!
i know man bu no matter how thick PC is i'd say this wire brush would rip it up !!! i had a thin sheet of aluminum and it went threw it after about 3mins!!
a good PC job will take a long time to get off. sand blaster will be your best bet to clean off the frame and prep it for whatever you do next.
Figures. Usually companys that makes parts and PC them do a somewhat sh*t job and throw down a thin coat so it doesnt last. No need for a vid, i never said i didnt believe you!

most bigger companies dont PC themselves

they send it out to be PC'd