Sooo im back with a blaster for the winter :)


Nov 1, 2007
havent been on here for awhile but im back now just bought a 06 blaster se for 300 off of some guy on craigslist at 1AM he delivered it, he told me the motor that he had with it just needed a piston i pulled the head off and the crank is looser then the whore on the street corner lol but other then that i think i got a good deal for a quad for the winter, ill have pics up tomorrow I:I
yea its a 91 s13. rb25det its a friends car. He sold it awhile ago ..hes an idiot imo i loved that thing.

chester huh? isnt that near philly?
yeah im about 45 mins from philly

Whats up!
An 06 for 300?
That's just getting broke in :)
haha yeah sadly it got more braking then braking in from the previous owner

welcome back jabes.......sweet uncle larry has been worried sick about ya lololol

haha thanks whats been up? your blasters lookin pretty sick
Heres some pics of it




just need a pipe and motor trying to find one for cheap
got her running a week or 2 ago and installed a 450r rear shock, just been busy with work and sh*t heres a couple pics sorry a couple of them are kinda sh*tty cause there from my cell phone and i have a few upgrades planned, getting some ITP hole shots on friday or saturday and prolly will eventually upgrade the front shocks to works or something like that

picked up a toomey pipe for a decent price


new motor i picked up for $240 shipped

welcome back bro, good find!!! delivered under the cover of darkness at 1 am?? sounds fishy, haha, and that has to be the fatest rear grab bar i've ever seen, i like it!!!!
welcome back bro, good find!!! delivered under the cover of darkness at 1 am?? sounds fishy, haha, and that has to be the fatest rear grab bar i've ever seen, i like it!!!!

haha yeah it was kinda fishy but i had a couple of friends with me and cops were out and around too so it all went down good, Im trying to decide if im going to keep the grab bar or get a stock looking grab bar but it looks like it would be pretty good for wheelies and especially if im wheeling on the road