so i decided i wanted to take my bike out and go a little night riding. so me and a friend go to the good ole shed grab the blasty check the gas and head on down to the pit. well on our way to the pit what do we see. an egg harbor township police officer. now i dont believe in running from the cops but there has been many times that i stopped for the cops and they have impounded my bike. i was also going very slow when they stopped me. i got slow no matter what when i am on the road and put put to the pit. so i seen this cop and just took off.. he chased me a little but he had to turn around so there was no way. well heres my point on the way to the pit running from him i was riding and it made a noise like it wanted to cut off then back on and so on. i just let off the gas for a bit then rounded a curve and it worked. it hasnt made the noise since. and i dont what it could be. it was like a crapping out noise. maybe a electical thing. or maybe i need to jet it? it was the first time i actually hit it cause my engine is spanking new. i didnt hit power band that hard. kinda just for a sec then shifted. but i was moving any ideas on what it could be?