soo i got chased by the cops going to the pit


New Member
Aug 19, 2008
egg harbor township, new jersey
so i decided i wanted to take my bike out and go a little night riding. so me and a friend go to the good ole shed grab the blasty check the gas and head on down to the pit. well on our way to the pit what do we see. an egg harbor township police officer. now i dont believe in running from the cops but there has been many times that i stopped for the cops and they have impounded my bike. i was also going very slow when they stopped me. i got slow no matter what when i am on the road and put put to the pit. so i seen this cop and just took off.. he chased me a little but he had to turn around so there was no way. well heres my point on the way to the pit running from him i was riding and it made a noise like it wanted to cut off then back on and so on. i just let off the gas for a bit then rounded a curve and it worked. it hasnt made the noise since. and i dont what it could be. it was like a crapping out noise. maybe a electical thing. or maybe i need to jet it? it was the first time i actually hit it cause my engine is spanking new. i didnt hit power band that hard. kinda just for a sec then shifted. but i was moving any ideas on what it could be?
probly the fact its brand new motor and im assuming not fully broken in and also your 3mm stroker isnt ported to match i think from what i see so your timings off which means it aint gonna run at its fullest potential
if you wanna advance the timing it will give you more mid power but its not the same as port timing so you still need a p+p i would start talkin to the builders to get your build planned b fore you have all the money so they no what you want and you can send the money and cylinder rite away, just my .02 haha and also is your jetting spot on too did you rejet for the cold wether
i have not jetted it at all yet i was waiting for my pipe then i was going to jet it. and i wanna get my pp from flotek but he doesnt seem to talk as much. and i heard kennedy is like 200 i dont wanna spend 200 on a pp thats insane. 150 i can see but not 200 u know. idk when i have 100 i will start makin the plans.
wait you have a pipe on it rite?? jw and also talk to wildcard hes on alot and i would rejet any ways and jet it a little rich during the breakin is what i always heard correct me if im wrong but i was taught you want more oil
so do you have a stock on? and hes around 150 for a port and polish for a stroker. and if you dont have any pipe on i found your problenm lol
and jetting there is a thread on here ill get it for you
to be honest you would be better off going with kennedy he cost more but he does better work. he can get you over 40hp easy with a +3 crank
well i know he makes alot of pwer but power isnt every thing, you need tourqe for mx and trails not all out horses, and just cuz wildcard doesnt show dinos doesnt mean he cant make that much too sorry if i sound like a dick just trying to say there really is no way to compare who is better every application needs different port designes
dont talk about builders unless you have had there work.....have you broken it in properly???? sounds like a jetting problem to me...the pipe has nothing to do with it if its jetted right
i think by the sounds of the situation u r lean on the main jet...especially in this damn cold weather we are getting right now..
no i am still in the process of breaking it in thats why im worried. it like tryed to cut off and made a weird noise. not like a bang though more of like a possible back fire? i havent jetted it at all cause i have just got it like 3 weeks ago and just got it running a week ago.
i was seeing if he had the pipe on it cuz if he didnt there would be no back preasure and thats what im saying is you cant talk unless you had there work and no he dont have it jetted rite and its not fully broken in i already asked him