

Nov 10, 2008
Eastern Iowa
So I don't know what to do first. I'm thinking about getting the blaster running an givin up on the shee for awhile. Since the shee is really pissing me off cause I can't figure out what the hell its problem is. Its not runing right on the right cylinder. Its gettn spark an fuel an its a fresh rebuild. But here's the thing both cylinders only have 90lbs of compression for being a fresh rebuild. But evem so y is the left cylinder firing fine. So that's y I'm thinking about just buying the new topend for the blaster an getting her running so I can atleast have fun on her while I'm still trying to figure out what's wrong with the shee. I'm starting to think its an air leak some where. Not sure but that's the only damn thing I can think of. What's ur guys an gals opinons. Fix the blaster or the shee first.
i would say with that low of compression you've probably got an air leak somewhere, build a leakdown tester and check it out. either that or there's something wrong with the rebuild. possibly a head gasket problem?
The compression is really low for a fresh rebuild.Have you tried syncing the carbs.You need a sync tool to do it correctly.
dont need the vw tool to sync the carbs, i did my banshee with out a tool, takes a bit and a second set ot eye balls helps but it can be done...

90lb is way off, even with unseated rings it should stil lbe higher
if you also read my sig i have the single carb set up... an yea thats what i thought also about the low compresion. well i did find out on the right side cylinder the bottom left bolt foe the reed cage isnt boltiong tight an wont so its stripped or something... it starts to get tight then it pops an goes loose... ughh im bought ready to get ride of this biotch for a 4x4
if you also read my sig i have the single carb set up... an yea thats what i thought also about the low compresion. well i did find out on the right side cylinder the bottom left bolt foe the reed cage isnt boltiong tight an wont so its stripped or something... it starts to get tight then it pops an goes loose... ughh im bought ready to get ride of this biotch for a 4x4

Like I said dude, I live in NE Iowa. Let me know if you're gonna get rid of the shee.
idk what id sell it for thats it i wouldnt even mind even trading it for something too. i got over 800 stuck into it for all brand new parts. i really want a 4x4 now but idk. might keep her an work on her slowly. im starting to think the bolt on the right head that wont tightn up for the reeds might be my problem. i think i might just buy another set of jugs an new topend again an start from there