snow shee?

I dont think they would look at my sideways... my mother has worked at the local dealer for like 15years..and over the years ive asked them some sideways questions.... my old 87 trailboss that doesnt run was sitting in their compound waiting for someone to help me check it out after work.... and they told me leave the key in we dont lose it..since it doesnt run.... well some ahole went there and cut the fence the other night.. and tried to start it and take off.... LMFAO.. alarm went off... they took off, and got nothing.. but moved my atv about three feet..cuse they couldnt figure out how to get it into neutral....

Im thinking if i asked them about studs... they might even give me some used studs they have lying around there to use... and i got an old set of tires for the trailboss.. since i guess if i stud them it doesnt matter how wore they are????
Sled are so cheap i guess i dont see the point other than check it out cool factor. Christ a indy 500 polaris can be had for 500 bucks. How much is the conversion.

i have a zrt 600 but it hasnt run right in 3 years and every time i take it to a mechanic they fix it, and i ride it and it breaks down in less than a minute.ive done this like 7 times!! so i gave up and will probably sell it for cheap. and anything that runs is at least $1000 here. and i dont wanna spend money on tracks ill probably get some cheap used mud or sand tires.
here is a legit snow shee.
it doesn't look too hard, find some skis, make some mounts then mount up paddles.
but that guy has a lot more than that, like widers a-arms and better shocks, plus it isn't a stock engine.
i have a zrt 600 but it hasnt run right in 3 years and every time i take it to a mechanic they fix it, and i ride it and it breaks down in less than a minute.ive done this like 7 times!! so i gave up and will probably sell it for cheap. and anything that runs is at least $1000 here. and i dont wanna spend money on tracks ill probably get some cheap used mud or sand tires.

You got a crappy ass mechanic. Your gonna spend more than a 1,000 to do this right i am sure. And it will still suck compared to a sled. You think your snow shee can zip across a field with me at a 120mph and not tip over?
it would cost you over a grand to do what i showed you, but you can always swap tires and have a trail shee, then you can also have a dune shee.
just to dude the front sleds, the guy said it didn't cost him that much at all.