Smart noob qustions.

Joe Manteiga

New Member
Apr 27, 2014
I've been searching multiple forums searching for answers to my questions. not working out to well soo.
I own a 03 blaster with a 240 big bore kit. not sure what else it has besides the oil block off as I am still breaking the bike down.
My Questions!

1. What psi should I be reading on my compression test.
2. What gas/oil Ratio should I use on a bike with a 240 kit.
3. What oil can I use from advanced autoparts for the crankcase.

This is all for now, I will have more questions as the break down continues.
PS. first time working on a Yamaha Blaster.
1. cylinder psi primarily depends on the cylinder head modifcations, not the cylinder cc's
not sure what each of the 240 kits (Vito's, LA Sleeve, CT, Arisal) specify their compression should be in the "out of the box" state ?

2. 90+% of us run 32:1 for 200 or 240cc

3. my advance auto has mobile1 4t motorcycle trans oil for wet clutches.
but i run the mobile1 full synth 10w-30
1. cylinder psi primarily depends on the cylinder head modifcations, not the cylinder cc's
not sure what each of the 240 kits (Vito's, LA Sleeve, CT, Arisal) specify their compression should be in the "out of the box" state ?

2. 90+% of us run 32:1 for 200 or 240cc

3. my advance auto has mobile1 4t motorcycle trans oil for wet clutches.
but i run the mobile1 full synth 10w-30

The link did not work. but I will use that oil.

The bike has an FMF pipe on it too, um Idk if this helps but the bike is stupid fast. The front wheels come off the ground in 1st and 2nd with out trying. and goes so fast my eyes water in 4th gear.
do you have a psi reading that you have done yet?
No not yet I will be doing the test tomorrow, I got the bike to the garage yesterday and been busy running around. Any range I should be in with psi. like 100-150? ill post pictures once I complete the test and get consistent readings.
i think the 240's come with a slightly higher cmpression that a stock cylinder ?
look for 130+ if it's a fresh engine ?
throttle wide open and kick it until the needle stops moving
post pics of your top end,and there should be some numbers by the base of your jug pics of those too please.easier to help that way


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Well I can't upload any more pictures for some reason. It says file to large. That compression test was done cold and dry. Consecutive reading 3 times in a row. Trying to post more pics now.
? if he is talking about the tors then yes is is benefical,but i would wait till you figure everything out first or read up on it real good...looks like he may have already removed it though ..huh :) that top of carb is not stock..
This is the side of the motor. More pics coming.


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hard to tell from the pics if thats a true 240 cylinder, most are bare silver aluminum colored, but i can see thats been painted.

how to ID a blaster cylinder