
That 35 is on my sons blasty the 33 is for my new build (daddy's blasty)!!I:I

Ohhhh ok. I had been looking for a pwk35 for a while, but gave up and bought something else (top secret for now, but pics will be up when it gets here). I was going to be a little frustrated with myself if you were going to sell the 35. LOL
Ohhhh ok. I had been looking for a pwk35 for a while, but gave up and bought something else (top secret for now, but pics will be up when it gets here). I was going to be a little frustrated with myself if you were going to sell the 35. LOL

I found this 33 new for $179 the 35 was same price from woodward specialties Paul is a good guy!
I found this 33 new for $179 the 35 was same price from woodward specialties Paul is a good guy!

Wow, when I went to buy my new carb they were asking $275 for a pwk35 and it wouldn't come in till early February. I got something else though that should be here by the end of the week. I:I