shifting issues


New Member
Jan 24, 2011
Hi i recently bought a 95 blaster and this is my first ever quad....the issue im having is that im able to shift from 1st to 2nd gear however thats the highest gear i reach.....if i fiddle around with the shift lever i can get it into 3rd and also shift back down to 2nd but not to 1st.....what could be wrong?
been a long ass time since ive been on here. but maybe a shift star? maybe a broken shifter... im sure other guys can give more input on that
bent shifter shaft
loose/damaged shift star

internal transmission problem (shift drum and/or shift forks)
ok thank you very probably going to take it apart with a friend who knows how to and see whats wrong.
yeah the right side engine cover is easy to get off, but if you need to take all the sprockets and stuff in there apart then it can get pretty advanced. well at least for a guy like me
check your shift shaft, mine's bent on my blaster but i heated it up and bent it back so its nearly straight, helped out a lot when i did that
yea im going to check it out this seems like not acting up as much...its a hit or a miss sometimes it shifts easily n sometimes i have to fiddle with it