

New Member
May 24, 2009
The Amazon
the 250r world is giving me quite a bit of trouble. every bike i look is overpriced, and carries more sentimental value to the seller, than its actually worth...from idling problems(wouldnt idle in first gear), to cracked frames... to spray painted frames that are "stripped and primered"... to clutch problems...none of which were mentioned before i took a 2 hour drive (yesterday) to check one out and two weeks before that, to find the one with a broken frame. every time i get somewhere, there is a serious enough problem with the machine, that i walk away. so ive decided to include everyone's favorite, the banshee, in my search.

any input, poitive or negative would be greatly appreciated. i know its a 350cc twin. the specs im familiar with. if you ride it, or work it. lemme know.
Chris(370) knows a whole f*ck load about banshees you can ask him. Also you can go to alot of ppl there with alot of knowledge on them.
ya i always tell people that my banshee is the big bro to blasters....also keep in mind repairs are more $ like engine repairs
i dont like banshees cuz there is two of everything. u replace a plug on a blaster u need to replace two plugs on a banshee. one of ur cylinder needs to be bored or honed. guess wat u gotta do the same thing to the other cylinder. every topend rebuild costs twice as much. but i would like to own one for a year. if u take care of ur banshee u shouldnt have any problems but its not urself you should be worried about its the person that owned it b4 u. i like the fact that its got 2 cylinders cuz of the instant power. but everything comes with sacrifice. i hope u find ur R cuz ull be much happpier with the R than u will be with the banshee. best of luck finding wat ur looking for.
It is getting harder to find a 250r in good shape these days. As far as a Banshee I love mine, But as mentioned before they are more money to fix up and put upgrades on then other bikes. But you can find a few in pretty good shape for a alright price. The biggest issue with looking at ones for sale is they range from stock to very built. So you will want want to look into what kind of riding and power you really want before you go buy a banshee thats built for flat drag racing.
I love my Banshee. I haven't had any problems with mine but I take care of mine. They aren't hard to work on, I'd rather do a Banshee engine or a Blaster any day. Besides the cost of two of everything they are good machines if you take care of them.
i disagree with this "banshees are so expensive" bullshit... i've owned probably 15 banshees over the last 5 years or so.. and i've built and /or ported many many more..

lets take an honest look at a banshee money wise..

the engine rebuild parts are a tad moere expensive but as you'll see it will all even out in the end when you figure other components.

a top end kit including pistons, rings, circlips, gaskets, and bearing from inland atv (and others) is around $175.. some don't include the pin bearings though..
the bore is the only thing you pay DOUBLE the price for..

as far as pipes go... banshee pipes even though they use twice teh material they are also alot more prevalent.. so since there are very few "rare" banshee parts.. the prices tend to stay lower.. good pipes can be had used for $150-$200.. espeically now.. beleive it or not i've been making good power with pipes such as FMF fatty, T4, T5, and pro circuits.. my fmf fatty and t5's setups with stock carbs and stock crank are more than 60 hp with LOTS of useable (trailable)power.. thats all done on pump gas as well..
getting to that point is rather inexpensive as well..

where you really save the $$ over other machines with teh banshee is when you start buying chassis compnonets.. price a +4 swingarms for any 250cc 2 stroke quad.. then price one for a banshee... you'll see what i'm talking about..

banshees are also capable of serious HP.. they aren't the best handling machine out there.. but they are trail capable.. i ride my 60+ hp banshee in trails all the time.. if you ride really tight trails the banshee isn't gonna be your optimum machine though..
every topend rebuild costs twice as much.

twice as much as what? a 250R?

banshee top end kit.. $174 included everything but wrist pin bearings

Wiseco Piston Top End Kit Yamaha Banshee 350 .040:eBay Motors (item 230303205497 end time Nov-17-09 14:47:10 PST)

250r top end kit-- $142 shipped without gaskets..
(there are cheaper kits on ebay but they have CRAP gaskets)

Honda TRX/ATC 250R, CR 250 .040 Over Wiseco Piston Kit:eBay Motors (item 200377504122 end time Oct-25-09 13:24:51 PDT)

if u take care of ur banshee u shouldnt have any problems but its not urself you should be worried about its the person that owned it b4 u.

isn't this the same scenario with any quad? try owning a suzuki quadracer.

i hope u find ur R cuz ull be much happpier with the R than u will be with the banshee.

why exactly? do you know what type riding he does?

plus the intial purchase to buy a banshee in good running shape is almost always cheaper than the inital purchase of a nice 250R honda..
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jahrastapark i repied to your PM with my phone number.. i can answer any banshee question you may have.. feel free to call me anytime.. it would take me a week to type all this sh*t out.. haha one big thing to watch for on a banshee though SUBFRAME!! they tweak pretty easy.. also watch teh rad support loop... a good rollover and they will tweak as wel and the tank will be a biotch to install and remove..
that all is common knowledge there tyler.... there is plenty more where that came from..
twice as much as what? a 250R?

banshee top end kit.. $174 included everything but wrist pin bearings

Wiseco Piston Top End Kit Yamaha Banshee 350 .040:eBay Motors (item 230303205497 end time Nov-17-09 14:47:10 PST)

250r top end kit-- $142 shipped without gaskets..
(there are cheaper kits on ebay but they have CRAP gaskets)

Honda TRX/ATC 250R, CR 250 .040 Over Wiseco Piston Kit:eBay Motors (item 200377504122 end time Oct-25-09 13:24:51 PDT)

isn't this the same scenario with any quad? try owning a suzuki quadracer.

why exactly? do you know what type riding he does?

plus the intial purchase to buy a banshee in good running shape is almost always cheaper than the inital purchase of a nice 250R honda..

dude u just put me to shame man! bravo!
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i appreciate all the posts. hopefully ill get more tomorrow. theres a few 250s loomin around. im just checkin out anything. might be a few weeks befor ei actually make my mind up