Sensitivity classes


New Member
Dec 10, 2008
East Stroudsburg ,PA
well my school wants me to go to sensitivity classes bc some queer at my school said i had a nice ass and i went off on his gay every wednesday at 930-10 i have to go it blows
so now next time he compliments you, you and he can have a nice sensitive talk, and make sure you properly introduce his throat to your hand
wow thats messed up you should be suing that fag for sexual harassment and make some nice good money.
our country and fags whats going on in this world allowing gay marraiges and saying gay or fag is now offensive bullshit
Wow you have a queer in your school, If he was in my old school he would have got violated and probaly of commited suicide by now.

Dont go! they want you to get in touch with your feminim side which isnt good.
i would of turned around and laid his a** out on the ground with one pist, what is wrong with these queers that make them like guys, i puked a little just thikin about it. just blow that class off dude, i'd just fgo to the principle ad say" nice butt" and see what he/she says, then say, now you know how it feels, i hate retarted schools, i nearly got fined by the school for vandalism at 6:00 at night on the other side of town whenthe principle drove by, i was like wtf.
yep, thats called the football team.....ahah toughin him up.......either that or he would just like it cause he would just get to see somemore butts