Sensitivity classes

class 101, coming to your school maybe a part of sex-ed

Students have many courses to choose from when entering college this year: English 101, art history, biology. But the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor (search) has sparked outrage thanks to one class it is offering, "How to Be Gay: Male Homosexuality and Initiation."

Gary Glenn (search), president of the Michigan affiliate of the American Family Association (search) is re-launching a battle he started three years ago when the course was first offered to close the book on the class once and for all.
He is leading a protest against the university, which he claims is using taxpayer money to “encourage and legitimize homosexual behavior in young men.”

The class' professor, David M. Halperin (search), says critics of the course are jumping the gun and don’t understand what it’s really about.
"It does not teach students to be homosexual,” Halperin told The Washington Times. "Rather, it examines critically the odd notion that there are right and wrong ways to be gay, that homosexuality is not just a sexual practice or desire but a set of specific tastes in music, movies and other cultural forms — a notion which is shared by straight and gay people alike."
Angry Parents Suing California Schools Over Mandatory Gay-Friendly Classes

Angry Parents Suing California Schools Over Mandatory Gay-Friendly Classes - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News -

A lawsuit in California that was filed last month by angry parents who object to a gay-friendly curriculum they say is being foisted on kindergartners could well become a test case for schools around the country.

Parents in the Alameda Unified School District were refused the right to excuse their kids from classes that would teach all kids in the district's elementary schools about gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender alternative families.

The parents say they are concerned about "indoctrination" in the schools, but administrators say the course is needed to protect against sexual discrimination — and that the lessons are protected by laws in California and 10 other states.

Those states, which stretch from Washington to Maine, will now be eyeing the court results in California in a case that warring sides say pits parents' rights against a schools' responsibilities.

To learn more about controversial teachings in school tune in to a FOX News Reporting special, "Do You Know What Textbooks Your Children Are Really Reading?" which premieres Friday, Sept. 4 at 9 p.m. EDT. Click here for a preview.

The contested California curriculum includes an annual 45-minute LGBT lesson taught to kids from kindergarten through the fifth grade. The kindergartners will focus on the harms of teasing, while the fifth graders will study sexual orientation stereotypes.

The move toward the new classes began two years ago, when teachers noticed that even kindergarten students were using derogatory words about sexuality, such as "fag."

FULL COVERAGE: Textbook Bias

The FOX News Reporting unit was present at a debate in the school district in May when angry parents pushed back against the controversial lessons, capturing over 10 hours of heated dispute, which saw parents shouting back and forth across the aisle.

• Click here to see video from the debate.

Some parents like Carrie Brash said the curriculum is necessary to combat bigotry that was already rearing its head among even young children, who were bullying her daughter in school.

Brash said her daughter had to endure taunting chants of "Lesbian, lesbian, your mom's a lesbian," from kids in school.

But other parents said the new curriculum ignores other kids who have been targeted for abuse.

"My child has been the product of bullying because she's black," said Dion Evans, who noted that students have "never viewed a single video in the classroom" that deals with racism.

But Evans said he wasn't expecting the district to take care of what he called a parent's duties in educating his daughter, as the school is "already (too) strapped for cash to incorporate these changes."

"I know how to successfully parent, educate, and instill value and self-worth in my child," he said.

"Do You Know What Textbooks Your Children Are Really Reading?" premieres Friday, Sept. 4 at 9 p.m. EDT on FOX News Channel.

See Next Story in U.S.
You wanna hear about reality 101? (And no please dont make this a racial or stereotype issue its reality around you everyday)

1. White people are evil.
2. White people are the only racists.
3. White people hate gays, even if the gay is white.
4. Whites are the ruin of the world, even though we built the world to what it is today.
5. Fact.... White people are the overwhelming world minority! (Suprise!!!!!!!)
Thats what being taught except #5...... If you aruge these facts then you are strongly mistaken....
Look at it this way, everybody gets made fun of. Everybody. The only reason minoritys get special treatment when it happens to them is because enough of them bitched about it and now theres laws against everything.
word of advice.. there is away around the hate crime bullshit for fighting with a diff race.... we have a buddy thats mexican.. but he is like a redneck mexican.. we take him with to fights.. no hate crime if we have a mexi on our side... and he is a damn good fighter!!

so here is 4cfeds view on this sensitivity training, if you go, tell them you have no sensitivity.. you left your feelings in your locker. he sexually harrased your and your being 'punished' for it. shoulda told them he fondled your cack and started crying and said you feel like your man hood has been stripped away from you!!

this country is fallin apart.. if that happened when i was stil in school guess what woulda happend.. 3 day suspension end of subject... i did way worse than go off... i smashed a guys face into a locker... 1 day suspension.. same guy 4 days later, blasted in the face, and head smashed into a wall and 'he tripped going down the stairs' half day suspension, diff person.. swong at me with a chair... removed one of his front teeth, and knocked him on his ass in wood shop.. i got 3 day suspension, he got 1 day.. wtf!!

see what i msayin here??? sh*t isnt what it usedto be, everyone wants us to be in touch with our feelings... and try to see the world from others point of view. i dont conform to that, i dont see it from anyones view but my own, well there are plenty that share the same views i do ( as my signature says in german) translate it if you need to..

honestly i wish i was born in the 50s.. well highschool in the late 50s early 60s.. in the hot rodding haydays.. but yeah...

im not aheartless person but salot of what goes on makes me sick or i dont give a sh*t.. haite? earth quake.. dont bother me one bit, sure send them money f*ck up our country even more, f*ck sending them money send them all the illegal imagrants to help rebuild.. free labor.. than 'ops we forgot to send a boat to pick you up'

gays.. not right.. it was adam and eve not adam and steve!! my wife likes chicks BUT she sure as hell wouldnt 'date' a chick or wanna marry a chick. gays cannot reproduce children, thats part of the reason the white man is becoming a minority, gays dont reproduce to keep our race going, so its up to the rest of us to have more kids...

ok this is gettin long and outta line... im done before i become hated
word of advice.. there is away around the hate crime bullshit for fighting with a diff race.... we have a buddy thats mexican.. but he is like a redneck mexican.. we take him with to fights.. no hate crime if we have a mexi on our side... and he is a damn good fighter!!

so here is 4cfeds view on this sensitivity training, if you go, tell them you have no sensitivity.. you left your feelings in your locker. he sexually harrased your and your being 'punished' for it. shoulda told them he fondled your cack and started crying and said you feel like your man hood has been stripped away from you!!

this country is fallin apart.. if that happened when i was stil in school guess what woulda happend.. 3 day suspension end of subject... i did way worse than go off... i smashed a guys face into a locker... 1 day suspension.. same guy 4 days later, blasted in the face, and head smashed into a wall and 'he tripped going down the stairs' half day suspension, diff person.. swong at me with a chair... removed one of his front teeth, and knocked him on his ass in wood shop.. i got 3 day suspension, he got 1 day.. wtf!!

see what i msayin here??? sh*t isnt what it usedto be, everyone wants us to be in touch with our feelings... and try to see the world from others point of view. i dont conform to that, i dont see it from anyones view but my own, well there are plenty that share the same views i do ( as my signature says in german) translate it if you need to..

honestly i wish i was born in the 50s.. well highschool in the late 50s early 60s.. in the hot rodding haydays.. but yeah...

im not aheartless person but salot of what goes on makes me sick or i dont give a sh*t.. haite? earth quake.. dont bother me one bit, sure send them money f**ck up our country even more, f**ck sending them money send them all the illegal imagrants to help rebuild.. free labor.. than 'ops we forgot to send a boat to pick you up'

gays.. not right.. it was adam and eve not adam and steve!! my wife likes chicks BUT she sure as hell wouldnt 'date' a chick or wanna marry a chick. gays cannot reproduce children, thats part of the reason the white man is becoming a minority, gays dont reproduce to keep our race going, so its up to the rest of us to have more kids...

ok this is gettin long and outta line... im done before i become hated
Well said aric.

:Edited out I was rambling:
that sux , you can't put a boot in a fags ass , cause they like it . Heres what you do ........ dice up a jalepeno , then puree that f*cker in a blender , then rub some on his locker latch , then watch his weiner suckin self waller in agony when he rubs his eye or touches his mouth ....... its entertainment for days
People think what a better world it would be if we all, the whole world, had cookies and milk about three o'clock every afternoon and then lay down on our blankets for a nap. Have you hugged a terrorist lately?

I had a good friend in New York City
He never called me by my name, just hillbilly
My grandpa taught me how to live off the land
And his taught him to be a businessman
He used to send me pictures of the Broadway nights
And I’d send him some homemade wine

But he was killed by a man with a switchblade knife
For 43 dollars my friend lost his life
Id love to spit some beechnut in that dudes eyes
And shoot him with my old 45
Last edited:
People think what a better world it would be if we all, the whole world, had cookies and milk about three o'clock every afternoon and then lay down on our blankets for a nap. Have you hugged a terrorist lately?

I had a good friend in New York City
He never called me by my name, just hillbilly
My grandpa taught me how to live off the land
And his taught him to be a businessman
He used to send me pictures of the Broadway nights
And I’d send him some homemade wine

But he was killed by a man with a switchblade knife
For 43 dollars my friend lost his life
Id love to spit some beechnut in that dudes eyes
And shoot him with my old 45

best song ever

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