Semi rebuild

YOU SUCK!!!!! lol j/k bro.... you made me spill my pepsi on my pants hahahhahahahhhahahahhahahaahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahaahhahaahahahahhahaahhahhaahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahah like i said i have a suprise for you this year just wait and see

that makes 2 keyboards, an ipad and now a pair of pants i've ruined, by making you spit pepsi out your nose, I:II:II:I
i'm on my last keyboard and the ipad was luckily safe cuz i dont have an extra 500 dollars to dish out.. but i'm still in the lead of beating u in the drags
we just play race,
speedy gets the groomed road, and i get the rough, 2 ft. high weed feild
we just play race,
speedy gets the groomed road, and i get the rough, 2 ft. high weed feild

o tht kinda race i thought he was talking about in indianna????? but yea its 4 fun with us and

awk u better not be puttin any trees in my lane or there will be a hospital bill coming up for you!!!!!!!!!!
I would like to race, but id get my ass whooped! Ill wait till I get my quad rebuilt..