seat cover mounting?????


Apr 12, 2009
northwest Indiana
should i mount my seat cover myself at home, or have it profesionally installed and stitched to the seat????? i'm ot shure on the price for the pro mouunting, but i know it would be like 20 bux.
you need a real good ass staple gun to do it. They are not hard to do I have done them. one on my old KX that had to be lined up to the sticker kit and it can out nice.
Just take your timebro and you should be able to do it.
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the only guns we have is a cheap silver reg. one, and a hammer type one, i don't think those'll do it, i tink i'm gonna go to the pro's and get it so i don't have to worry about messin it up.
yes the cheaper guns like u said wont do dad was gonna cover his 200x seat with one and it didnt workj goo.....but we ended up gettin and air that thing could drive a staple through metal...ahhah
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I know for dirtbike MX you would take it down meaning lower it and do the same to the front by the tank so you can get closer up. But I dont know how that would work on a quad.
just do a little planning and do little cutting at a time, and lets see some pics if you decide to do it. ive always hated the seats on these bikes..