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ya the leak in the neutral switch i think i fixed it...i bought some liquid gasket and just put it on like 20 minutes now i have to wait a day for it to dry and cure then we will see LOL
ya for banshee can beat my 90cc dirtbike (baja) at 3rd gear mid throttle...but my dirtbike has to be full throttle 4 gear+ my friend was riding it and he probably weigh like 20 pounds lighter (im like 5,11...he is like 5,6)
yo theres this kid on my street that rides his sh*tty 4-poke around like he owns the place (i live in the country) and he rides on other ppls property like he owns one i get my banshee running ill fly by him 6th gear when he's on the road...he'll probably sh*t his pants because he's never heard a 2 stroke LOL and his friend thinks he is bad ass too because he rides a 3 wheeler HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA bad ass 4-pokes HAHAHAHAHAH NOT LOL
the guy is actually riding on the road like right now LOL