sanding fenders


New Member
Feb 24, 2009
what grit sand paper should i use to get the scratchs out of my front and rear fenders, there not to bad but there defintly visable, and then what grit to use im assuming a finer grit to get it all cleaned up, but does anyone have any suggestions as to the number. yes i no that when you start sanding you loose all the gloss but is there any house hold products that can make it a lil more shiny after sanding
Even with wetsanding with 2000 grit the fenters will become flat and cloudy. You can use mop n glo works really well and orange glo. It really depends on how deep they are, your gonna need various grits. You dont need every grade there is. You could go like 220, 400 800 1500. I would try the finer grits first, if the scratches are still there you need rougher.
Even with wetsanding with 2000 grit the fenters will become flat and cloudy. You can use mop n glo works really well and orange glo. It really depends on how deep they are, your gonna need various grits. You dont need every grade there is. You could go like 220, 400 800 1500. I would try the finer grits first, if the scratches are still there you need rougher.

what he
works great
Not at all. I did it on my raptor. You have to do in light coats or else it will run. I flexed mine and everything and it didnt crack one bit. They used to be dull and now they look shiny and new.
there is a plastics restore thread in the DIY section...

True, but paulys guide is more for restoring the finish. Not so much removing scratches. Quoted from pauly's thread "This is for plastic that's not scratched or gouged real bad". It just all depends on the condition of them.
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Not so much...most of the thread is about using steel wool to remove scratches and then the last part says to put orange glo on it to make it shine.
Not super long maybe a month max. I think mine is caked on or something havent redone it in awhile and still looks somewhat decent.