rt 146 ri/ma

Also Demo, if you can't sell your car/buy a new truck or just don't want to go through the hassle, have you ever considered a small trailer? I'm not sure what it costs in RI but in mass its only $40 a year to keep a plate on it and doesn't require insurance (as long as its a small trailer under 1500lbs I believe).

You could probably get a decent 4'x6' or 5'x8' for under $500. If storage space is an issue (which it is for me) I know Northern tool sells a 4'x8' that actually folds in half and stands upright. I bought one about 5 years ago for $500 and shortly after I bought it they dropped the price to $300 which I think it still is. Anyhow I still have it and use it somewhat regularly and its decent for the money I think its rated for around 800lbs and would have no trouble hauling around a blaster.

Just a thought...Hope you find something either way so you can take that nice looking bike out!
i kno where u are talking about. it does look sick but the way to get in was behind stop and shop but they built a storage place there and theres a guard there. gettin in there is damn near impossible now unless u park at the exit before the pit and literally ride on the side of the highway for about 200 yards. i was gonna do that I:I
If you're riding on the powerlines throughout RI just be warned that Grid is redoing the entire main transmission line corridor from CT to MA border right now....they've graded all the access roads and such and put swamp mats down everywhere. As long as you don't ruin anything you can ride through when they're not working....I wouldn't get too close to anyone working there though and definitely not if you have to go through any wetlands.

I was out in Johnston a month ago with one of the higher ups and we saw from far away some kids tearing through wetlands on the ROW....not good. She was like "Great, now I'll have to pay to restore those wetlands before the project is over."

If you stay out of the wetlands, nobody cares what you're doing. Of course if you have actual landowner permission for the area then you can do whatever you want, minus driving through wetlands, haha. Also, there is a section in johnston north of greenville ave that I know is posted that there is a town ordinance if you ride in there it's a fine or something, so be careful. with all the work going on there are extra watchful eyes around....just a heads up.
i ride there all the time but not when workers are there. i did one time tho but i wasnt zipping by them like that. a dude did say to me we shouldnt b there and i said we're ust cutting thru to get to a trail which was true. i know that trail in and out all the way thru johnston up til MA. thats as far as i'll i go.
When we ride and see DEM or any badges we do NOT stop. we down shift and all u'll see is cloud of dust. bc these badges WILL fine us and possibly confiscate our biks. half my friends dont even have papers to their bikes so they'd be damned if they stop