i used some hard core primer!!! PPG 2 part epoxy primer... its not regualr primer, its made to go on bare metal or heavy sanded original finish.. if you touch the car, and actually feel the primer its like dipping the whole car in epoxy.. an yes dupont makes 'hot rod black' same look just a paint, i used tov same stuff many many many rats have been done with, this sh*t is damn near bullit proof!!!
i plan on doing the windows 5% or minimum of 20% it will get hobbiest plates so they cant really fk with me than
and the car is gettin droped, with ether beauty rings or beauty rings and spider caps or rings and bullit lug nuts,
yes time the glass bottle under the hood
and it was going to get pin stripped today but the beer chicken took longer than expected so we ate late,
i plan on doing the windows 5% or minimum of 20% it will get hobbiest plates so they cant really fk with me than
and the car is gettin droped, with ether beauty rings or beauty rings and spider caps or rings and bullit lug nuts,
yes time the glass bottle under the hood
and it was going to get pin stripped today but the beer chicken took longer than expected so we ate late,