rm85 problem

Feb 2, 2015
Does anyone know why my rm85 only starts with starting fluid ? Also when I rev it really quick after I start it it'll bog down?? Please help.
when is the last time it ran good ?
when was the last time the carb and air filter were cleaned properly ?

poor starting can be from using un-lubricating starting fluid to try and start it, low compression, dirty carb/pilot jet, wrong float height, lack of airflow from dirty filter, poor spark/fouled plug.

have you checked any of those ?

and throw that starting fluid as far from the RM as you can, it's for old ford trucks, not 2 strokes !
when is the last time it ran good ?
when was the last time the carb and air filter were cleaned properly ?

poor starting can be from using un-lubricating starting fluid to try and start it, low compression, dirty carb/pilot jet, wrong float height, lack of airflow from dirty filter, poor spark/fouled plug.

have you checked any of those ?

and throw that starting fluid as far from the RM as you can, it's for old ford trucks, not 2 strokes !
It runs good after I warm it up when I get it started. I have a brand new pro filter air filter on it and cleaned the carb yesterday. Also have brand new spark plug and It gets spark. the stock jetting on it is 125 i believe and it has 128 on it.
the main jet doesn't have diddly squat to do with starting, good spark, good reeds, airflow, float height, clean pilot jet, and proprerly adjusted airscrew do.

check the carb section for threads on flaot height and airscrew/pilot adjustment.
the main jet doesn't have diddly squat to do with starting, good spark, good reeds, airflow, float height, clean pilot jet, and proprerly adjusted airscrew do.

check the carb section for threads on flaot height and airscrew/pilot adjustment.
it has good spark. v force 3 reeds and they are in good condition. I cleaned everything on the carb and the airscrew is 1 1/2 turns out
the main jet doesn't have diddly squat to do with starting, good spark, good reeds, airflow, float height, clean pilot jet, and proprerly adjusted airscrew do.

check the carb section for threads on flaot height and airscrew/pilot adjustment.
When I took the carb off and the reeds I had noticed that there was some blacking on the piston and thought maybe the rings were worn and the spark/boom/explosion was coming through and was losing compression ?
i dont know but if i had to guess starting fluid probably ignite's much easier then gas:eek:


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