Rm250 Blaster Project

yeah paulie got it this time he does have a sick blaster not kissin ass but u got the best modded blaster ive seen so far.guess im gonna have to put a cbr600 motor in mine
imma put a gsxr 1000 motor in mine yea i kno imma be buyin frames like buyin tollet tissue for a fat family but ill be alright
Fasterblaster I'm sorry I de-railed your thread bro...

Don't worry about it man, Thanks for the radiator ideas Paulie! I wish I could do a awesome job like you did on your yz400 blaster but since I'm 15 I don't have the tools and money available to me.

Thanks for all the Positive comments! More pics coming soon!
Using a stock blaster pipe to keep sound its level down cut it up yesterday to make it fit and will have pics of the pipe today. Hopefully my gasket kit will be delivered today!
New Pics!!!!




Thats my dads 1969 z-28 he said that it is mine to have once i turn 16 in august then i will get some chicks when i go to school! I:I

lol you will have to take all the crap off it before or all you will be getting is some rats and sh*t not chicks........... nahh only joking with ya mate

nice car and even nicer blaster B-)I:I