Rev Limiter on a 06 Blaster


New Member
Aug 24, 2011
I recently purchased my 2 boys a couple of yamaha blasters, one an 88 model in mint condition, and an 06 also in great condition. Both were running fine until one day i set the parking brake on the 06. After that it acts like it has a rev limiter on it. I read FAQ's which told me to unhook the switch on the clutch lever that engages the rev limiter, this did nothing, I even went as far as unplugging it and removing it. I tried unhooking the plug which goes into the top of the carb, and this did nothing. I've tried everything I know to do. I truly don't how the rev limiter works so I don't know anything else to do. Please help!!!!!!!!!
that has to be the 2 wires at the carb ????
the ones coming out of the cdi/tors unit, to fool the "brain" into thinking it's all good
I've unhooked the park brake, tried shorting it out to see if it made any difference in the way it ran, and it didn't. With it running i unhooked the wires from the carb and when you tried to rev the motor it died. Could the cdi box have gone bad?
I've unhooked the park brake, tried shorting it out to see if it made any difference in the way it ran, and it didn't. With it running i unhooked the wires from the carb and when you tried to rev the motor it died. Could the cdi box have gone bad?

on my '03, same as your '06, all i did with the park brake sensor was unhook it from the handle and snip the plug off and tape the end up so it wouldn't ground out. do not try to ground the p-brake sensor. that made mine backfire when i tried. with the TORS all you do is snip the wire coming out of the throttle housing and then the wire coming from the TORS unit. twist both ends of those wires together and it should run. unless your problem is something else all together.
on my '03, same as your '06, all i did with the park brake sensor was unhook it from the handle and snip the plug off and tape the end up so it wouldn't ground out. do not try to ground the p-brake sensor. that made mine backfire when i tried. with the TORS all you do is snip the wire coming out of the throttle housing and then the wire coming from the TORS unit. twist both ends of those wires together and it should run. unless your problem is something else all together.

Thanx! I'll try that this evening when I get home from work. I'll post if it works or not and go from there.
Thanx for the responses, I tried everything stated above, nothing worked, I was going to change out the cdi with another blaster I have for parts, but it was the wrong box, after plugging the cdi back in, it fired right up, don't know why, but it did. Any thoughts on why? again thanx.