yeah, i did the wire trick before, but it was when my motor was on the bench, and i fished the wire in one of those middle holes around the shaft and out the other one, tied it together and lifted the motor off the bench, so the weight of the motor was pullin for me, but a buddy should work too, have the nut started all but about 2 threads, and whack it pretty hard with a brass mallet,(so ya dont f*ck up the threads), maybe a peice of wood in there, it'll come off, especially if you've had it off before, i used 1 strand from in a peice of 12-2 romex electrical wire, ya gotta give it some kinky little bends before you try to get it thru the 2 holes, to go around the shaft, lay it down in there you'll see how ya hav'ta bend it a little to the right then up a little on the end, let us know if ya get it??