Refuse new coins


New Member
Mar 28, 2008
South Dakota

This simple action will make a strong statement.

Please help do this.. Refuse to accept these when they are handed to you.

I received one from the Post Office as change and I asked for a dollar bill instead.

The lady just smiled and said 'way to go' , so she had read this e -mail.

Please help out...our world is in enough trouble without this too!!!!!

U.S.Government to Release New Dollar Coins

You guessed it
If ever there was a reason to boycott something, THIS IS IT!!!!


Together we can force them out of circulation..
I'm with you guys!
If I get one I will request a bill.
If everybody has a right to their religion the I have a right to mine.
all i can say is that our fourfathers and framers of the constitution would be rolling over in their graves right now.........if they saw todays government.........what a joke!!!!!!!
The gov't definitely is a joke. I along with most people hate change, hopefully this is just some stupid collector thing. Wouldn't it be cheaper to print bills than coins, our government is already in enough debt!
Our country is on a steady decline. I'm 15 and I see this, can't our own f*ing government? I plan to get out of here when I'm older.

I will for sure refuse the new coins.
i dont really care what my money says on it as long as its still worth a dollar....
but i will boycott it because bills fit so much nicer in my wallet...
Im down,cause ive received about 10 so far
from local mapco and citgo's and sh*t

I didnt care cause a dollar is a dollar,but hey ill reject them

good story and message there.

these coins are the reason behind the "we buy gold" the gov is buying gold for these coins and for the fact the the u.s. dollar bill isn't backed by gold... in the 80's that changed. when you pull a bill out of your back pocket your just holding paper... it has NO value anymore.
the Lakota indian tribe told the U.S. to shove it and pulled out of the union and they now have there own banking system held up by silver. you can setup an acount with them and take $2000 cash in and get $2000 worth of silver. The Lakota have one of the worlds largest silver deposits on there reservation :)
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