Reed ?,s


Dec 24, 2012
Sumner Michigan
Ok I,m having trouble starting my blaster
or should I say it will not start(it Try's)
originaly I thought it was Ignition but I checked ever thing out there
here what it does
will Fire a couple times and all most take of when you kick it over but only if throttle is wide open.but will not start
also last nite saw exhaust come back threw air Box
is this something that a bad reed would cause it to do?
I,m going to tare down tonight and see!
now next ? is vitto(stock) reeds a good replacement, and will I have to change my Carb jetting if I go with them?
or just replace them with stock Yamaha Reeds I,m Pretty sure thats whats in there!
thanks Ferris
Sounds like a reed problem if it allowing a backfire through the carby.

Go for a set of dual stage reeds, you will get better response than stock.

No need to re jet.

Make sure to us the reed stops, Loctite the little screws.

Torque the cage incrementally and diagonally to 5.8ft lbs using a RTV sealant.

Leak test before starting.


The ignition could have slipped and damaged a reed, did the motor come to an abrupt stop before you noticed the hard starting problem?


Does the carb dribble fuel because of flooding, having to hold the throttle open wide sometimes points to a rich AFR?
The ignition could have slipped and damaged a reed, did the motor come to an abrupt stop before you noticed the hard starting problem?

ok I was riding it around the yard(very slowly) in 1st gear with my daughter on the back when i pullled up to park it I didnt get to clutch in time and it stalled out
it hasn,t started since
what in ignition could have slipped?
also don,t think it a carb problem no gas coming out of any overflow tubes! it acks normal when cold choke a kick than open throttle WOT and it will fire also new plug installed was 1st thing I did
Only use correct puller, not a jaw puller. Back center bolt all the way out so the part with the left hand threads engages the flywheel fully
Ok I,m going to order Reeds off Ebay
I,m looking at Vito,s Dual petal reeds
or Boysen Super Stock Reeds
Witch set is the better buy and what advantage if any does one have over other?
Durabillity is a factor too!
again thanks Guys
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Have some green for following the good advice you got, diagnosing the problem and reporting back. So many times people get what they want and they are gone. Its nice to hear back that you found the problem. Get those reeds in and let it rip. Of course I would leak test it after to be sure you sealed the reed cage up well.
Boysen duals would be nice
But I.m on a tight budjet right now so will go with the Vito reeds!

yes I hate when ppl don,t let you know what they found out
thats what the purpose of this forum is to share advice and problem solving
will tell ya this is one of best!!! Forums I have been on Period!!
Thanks again guys
one more question if I may
but generally speeking what is life of new set of reeds, I know thats probally a little loaded ??

but how often do should a guy inspect / replace them
I would hate to be in middle of nothing trail riding and brake one!