Rebuild of the blastersaurus

You need to be carefull and check the suspension at full compression... I have a feeling 20's will put the frame in the ground. Im at work, when I get home I will try and find a pik of how it sits when its bottomed out (springs off the shocks). Ride hieght really wqasn't bad at all because the suspension was set up with tons of sag. IMO the suspension was pretty dialed, you should start with it the way it was then when you have a baseline make changes accordingly. If you change a bunch of stuff off the bat, it may take a while to get it sorted out.

The ride hiegth deal is like a trophy truck, if you look at video, they dont sit that high, but have a ton of suspension
You need to be carefull and check the suspension at full compression... I have a feeling 20's will put the frame in the ground. Im at work, when I get home I will try and find a pik of how it sits when its bottomed out (springs off the shocks). Ride hieght really wqasn't bad at all because the suspension was set up with tons of sag. IMO the suspension was pretty dialed, you should start with it the way it was then when you have a baseline make changes accordingly. If you change a bunch of stuff off the bat, it may take a while to get it sorted out.

The ride hiegth deal is like a trophy truck, if you look at video, they dont sit that high, but have a ton of suspension

Thanks Phrangle. I had the shocks serviced. I have been playing with the suspension some and my ride height is at 9" inches in the rear and 9.5" in the front. I printed out a bunch of stuff on how to set suspension and have been reading a lot on how the crossovers work. My banshee has the exact same ride height and seems to work well in the trails we ride. I am open to all suggestions, especially from the guy who designed these bad azz bikes. I have already bought the tires so I have no choice but to try them.

So what do you think of the bike? Do you like the way it is coming together?
Also I would like to add that I am 6" 225 lbs. So the suspension would not work exactly where it was. To achieve that ride height I put a lot of preloaded on the rear shock and hardly any preload on the front. I will have to get some seat time so I can see how it feels.
Awesome man. That's just about where I have it set now. I will play with the compression and rebound settings after I get some seat time.
Trying to upload pic from tapatalk for the first time


  • uploadfromtaptalk1386025896773.jpg
    62.7 KB · Views: 259 is how the bike sits with the suspension fully compressed (no springs on the shocks. If the frame hits with the smaller tires, you can make some delrin or alum. spacers to go under the bumpstops. it will take away a little travel though..

I understand what your are saying now that I saw the pic. I will have to take some measurements of the other bikes and see where they are. They should be close. We run 18's on one of the blasters we have. We have never bottomed the frame out, just scrape the hell out of the skid plate in deep ruts. I think it will be ok
Made some progress tonight. Got the hood mounted, wiring harness ran, and air scoops mounted. I will upload some pics tomorrow.
I can upload them with tapatalk but you have to click on them. I'll see if I can get some up now and tomorrow i'll edit the posts with img links.
One more try. Looks like I got it to work.







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Couple more for your viewing pleasure :D




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all ya gotta do is holler for help editing :)

lookin awesome mike !
Thanks AWK. Getting really close now. I have a set of blue fog lights that will be going on next.

The other bike is making some progress too. We are going to change up some rim/tire combos. We got his suspension pretty close. We are waiting on the motor and graphics. Sending the a arms, tie rods, and hubs (from both bikes) off to powder coat soon. Shouldn't be to much longer before we get to tuning.
Talked to the DMV today about getting a vin plate. We will be taking perwork up there soon and applying. The last thing I want to do is go riding and some pig assume these bikes are stolen because they don't have vin numbers.