rear fender shaving???

Thats kinda different considering tors are almost guaranteed to fail before they should, in theory its a good idea, but in application they just didn't hold up.
yeah banshee tors messes up too. course as far as i know its the same system. but i dont think bikes are allowed to be sold without some type of throttle over ride system
hahahaa, i told her what i said and she ask me if i posted a pic, i had to disappoint her and tell her that isnt allowed on here, she's not shy at all, didnt you see my post a few months back of her sittin on my quad flashin her boobs and i censored them with the blasterforum banner over them, she thought that was hilarious

lmao...u would be the champ if u could get a pic of BF shaved into her.......ummmm well, her head lol...j/k j/k bro
i was gonna "write" awk" into it, but "" it is, i'll pm pics, gonna take a few days for enuf "paper" to show up for writing purposes
I never hear about other bikes having problems with the TORS like the blaster. So all ATV have TORS, Do birt bikes have them?
back to topic you dirty old men!!!!

also, 79bronco, i don't think dirt bikes have them, because they don't die when you lay them down , i think its just us quaders who get stuck with tors
i'll pm ya her number, but bring a 2x4 so you dont fall in the well i drilled
just got the monthly kawasaki update thingy for the month and the 2011 250 bikes have a "down sensor" so they call it, bike will run for 30 seconds laid down under 2500 rpm and will die after 3 seconds if over 2500 rpm, comes with thier new digital fuel injection for the year, not that anyone cares just thought i'd share all my useless kawi knowledge i obtained today at the dealership, and by the way if your doubting your fender shave try masking it off with some tape to see what you can all do before you hak em up, i love my shaved rears, get a lot of positive feedback where ever i ride
hey matt, where did you borrow the nads from to start callin me a biotch ????
i'll remind you that i'm not that far from the ohio border, so when you grow your own nads, i'll meet ya halfway and see if you call me a biotch to my face,
holler when your ready, no need to keep this hidden behind a keyboard
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hey matt, where did you borrow the nads from to start callin me a biotch ????
i'll remind you that i'm not that far from the ohio border, so when you grow your own nads, i'll meet ya halfway and see if you call me a biotch to my face,
holler when your ready, no need to keep this hidden behind a keyboard

pffft.... Lmao.. Dude i just spit pop all over my keyboard when i read this i was laughing so hard.... some of you girls need to go to sensitivity training... Sheesh...