I do believe the two seals are different, a nd 03+ right seal is different from pre 03.
Use care with the spacer sleeve or you will be buying one of those too. If you get small burrs on it file or grind them off before install.
Clean all the rust (etc) from right side of shaft, apply PB Blaster to it and into sleeve from both sides. Lightly tap sleeve as far as possible to right. Now clean all rust off left side of axle, apply PB again and tap sleeve to left.
Keep going back and forth cleaning and lubing, maybe even heating center of sleeve, but not end you will tap on.
If you manage to get sleeve off without destroying it, clean inside best as possible. Clean axle to bare metal in sleeve/brg area with sand paper/emerycloth, scotch brittch brite pad, or scotch brite wheel for drill.
Apply at least grease to sleeve and spline areas, anti-seize is even better.
Read this: http://www.blasterforum.com/threads/wheres-the-grease.40007/
I also suggest adding zerk to carrier. Some pull inner seal from brg, some don't.
I had a Warrior sprocket hub that wouldn't budge with a 50T press. Had to split it 90% with abrasive saw blade, then weld it back up with stainless rod. Have a blaster hub I never did get off. Have seen hubs totally destroyed removing them. All in all you're doing good.
Assembly goes seal, brg, spacer sleeve,brg, seal.
Be sure to follow manual for proper installation of lock nuts on axle. Too tight andyou'll burn the brgs., too loose it will k
Got sleeve off and bearings out. But they seem real hard to get in here is a picture of the inside of the carrier is something still in there or in the way?
I do believe the two seals are different, a nd 03+ right seal is different from pre 03..
Yeah that looks like the outer bearing race there, hard to tell it so dirty. Clean that thing up! Any little bit of sand, dirt, or whatever else is in there will dramatically shorten you bearing life if it gets in there
Everything in there should be smooth and shiny if you can get it that way. Been awhile since I looked at one but it looks like the outer ring from the bearings is still there
If I remember right I found something shallow I could put the carrier end in and put about half a can of liquid wrench and let it sit for awhile. Then I used a screwdriver and went through the carrier and just worked around in a circle tapping. IDK if you can get a screw driver on yours tho. Might be good to just stick the whole thing in a tub of kerosene for awhile
Thatsvwhat I've been doing. This is a real PITA holy cow. About to just dremel it out on both sides. Thisb was a he'll of a project. I dint understand why people don't maintain there stuff its so simple ...
afraid to heat the carrier too much it looks to be aluminum?I've done that before. You have to be careful, and even when its split, its still hard to get out. My neighbor claims he has heated the outer races red hot, then thrown cold water on them and they fall out. I've never done that, and am yet to see it done, but he isn't a bullshitter, and is handy with a wrench.
Any route you take to get that outer race out, good luck, be careful, and enjoy the finished results when your done!
it is steel.I'm afrai
afraid to heat the carrier too much it looks to be aluminum?