I had some left-over racing money so i went to chesterfeild valley powersports and they had some raptor 250s they let me test one out, and it was ok it had decent power and i figured it would be fun to kinda soop it up so i got 0ne. I got online and got a carb,a-arms,shocks,holeshots all around,graphic kit,carbon fiber pipe ,and some little stuff like handle bars,steering stem, and nerf bars. So far im pretty happy with it im still waiting for the shocks because elka makes them to your bike and your weight. my blaster smokes it by like a mile but it is a good little bike i will probally bore it in before i start next season just so i can take it to the track and play arround on it but alot of people are saying there peices of sh*t but there acctually pretty nice (not as nice as a blaster)