racing parts, carb, airbox, rims, some stock too.

can you make a list so i know what you have. im interested in any aftermarket parts, let me know what ya got.
CFM aluminum airbox. 150
kehin 34mm carb 175
dg swingarm skidplate 50
dg grab bar 45
whole motor. 400
rear tires stock rims 60
douglas +2 inch rims ft 75

theres more sh*t just goaat figure it all out. all the stock stuff i should have too, including carb and front rims. all prices are slightly negotiable, but fairly solid. and all prices are without shipping cost, but i do not charge a dime more that actual cost to ship my parts. please pm me for anything further.
How much would u take for all the plastics and the grab bar all in total tax and everything. PM me this price when u get a chance. Im very interested