quiter performance exhaust


New Member
Dec 12, 2010
hey guys, i have a 2001 yamaha blaster with a .20 bore kit, a jet kit, i think its re-geared, and it has an fmf gold series header and a powercore 2 silencer. i love the bike and its extremley fast, but its also extremley loud. i would like to find a pipe that is quiter and creates a deeper sound if thats possible. but i dont want to loose any of the power while doing so. the way the bike is set up now its extremley fast. but im not too fond of the high pitched loud ass sound, and neither are my neighbors which permits me from being able to ride on my street which is annoying. let me know if you guys have any ideas.
well man that is pretty much just the way a blaster sounds. but you can try changing the exhaust packing. when the packing gets old and hard (like awk08) it get's lowder
well man that is pretty much just the way a blaster sounds. but you can try changing the exhaust packing. when the packing gets old and hard (like awk08) it get's lowder

old and hard bahhahahahahhahhahah lol

stock is going to be the most quiet,you can always try getting a sparky for the fmf.You will lose power going to stock though.What you doing riding in the street willis.Get a street bike if you want to do that.That gives us atv enthusiasts a bad name.
ok guys, thanks for the replies. i will defidenetly try repacking the silencer. right now the bike is has a really poppy and hollow sound to it that ive never really heard. is that another problem that is caused by bad packing. and what is the best packing to use?.
i used 2 stroke packing when i did mine last but soon after that i started hearing about guys using 4 poker packing because it lasts longer, anybody else heard that??:-/
i have heard of the 4 poke packing, and also heard never to use steel wool, when it starts rusting and breaking up, pieces can get sucked back into the cylinder during the scavenging process, which equals ....kaboom
would you use steel wool as an air filter ????
Ok im defidenetly gunna try repacking the exaust before i do anything else.. is there any packing that is a cut above the others. Pherhaps something that last longer and are quiter... im sure the fmf exausht packing is fine.. im just wondering if theres anything better
I would try 4 poke packing and keep it loose and fluffy don't jam it in there. brand shouldn't matter too much i wouldn't think. correct me if i'm wrong here guys
So i feel really dumb asking this, but i cant seem to find the 4 poke packing anywhere. Can someone send me a link to it or tell me where to look.
a fmf silencer should sound loud and poppy and hollow.. my fmf on my 82 r sounded like that when i took then end cap off lol

iv had fmfs with the older style flat end power core and the newer powercore2, also had a lrd with lrd silencer, and the powercore2 is by far the quitest one
What about stainless steel packing.. is that any good or better than the fiberglass, or is it not a good option?