question about jets with vm24 china carb (pwk jets?)


New Member
Feb 20, 2025
hi i know sh*ty car i dont have anything els around, i have like 4 noname vm24 laying around used for parts
the blaster came with a ovo 30mm carb that seems messed up, idle screw is all messed up.
but euh am very confused about the jets (i will take them all apart and see what is up)
but im not using the stock hex jet without size on. the pilot were 22.5 i put a 25 in but might ba a fake china been sabotaged befor with a 25 pilot that was smaller then a 22.5 stock.
but the main jets, dont fit my banshee jet i have, but those fit the rldc 28mm carbs i have on my banshee and the screw top and boil seal are the same. so i touhg they would be the same as my banshee. but thhey are not
so in my pile of jets. i tried some PWK round head jets and they fit perfectly so am fuking confused... caause pwk jets sizes are odd. a 150 pwk jet is like about 280 hex mikuni jet size...
(again i will try the other carbs see if they all take pwk jets) i tought they are mfake mikuni vm24 carbs but none of my mikuni jets fit.. hex or flat round heads..
so now am trying to figure out jets..
i have dg exhaust no airbox lit. in mikuni jets a saw peopel say 280-300 ish but what does that mean in pwk jets. i dont wanna blow it up but also wanna see it run. never had pwk keihin jets i mean i do have the jets but never tuned a keihin pwk carb... all my quads have mikinu... and google also just talks about mikuni..

anyway so what does 150 pwk/keihin jet = in mikuni? like i can see in the eye that the 150 looks about the same as a 280 but that is with the eyes...

i really dont like the wierd jet setup... i just threw this engine together and dont know if it works also dont like the stock blaster airbox setup, might throw a pod filter on it.

sorry if am all over the place :) this is a great forum :)

Edit i opened up the other vm24 carbs. I got 2 different types.
2 come with silicone seal for the bool. 2 with thick carton.
For some reason 2 with silicone i removed the main jet and pilot jet.
But the other with the carton seal i left it in. And its a 44 pilot jet. And main 110 hex type but for some reason the part were u screw in the jet in double as long and oddly my banshee hex jet fit also. So now i have a pilot 44 and main 290 (don't have bigger cause these are extra I don't use for the banshee) am still confused about the pwk keihin jets i have a bag of 140-162 and they all look bigger then the 210 hex mikuni i have... I read that hex jet are measured in flow speed? And flat round heads in size? Cause a miking flat round head 150 seems to be as big as a hex 260-290 ish.
I guess i will run the 290 hex and see
It got a full dg exhaust no air box lit.
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