Quad Impounded

well if you get caught and get it impouned I hope you have the title or a bill of sale or you have no proof its yours and you are f&cked and its thiers.

Well at least thats how it is in the Dirty Jersey
you can hide from the cops i know a couple kids that have gotten away and 1 that hasent.. but we circle track on the road and the bike trail for fun all the truck drivers come by and give thumbs up and wave haha got to love the truckers
all, my roads by my house are long and have a law that goes into effect in the winter where atv's are legal on them, also if a cop pulls up on my road, by time he see's me i'm gone, just a blue flash and the smell of 2 stroke exhaust!!! i love livin in the country!!!
Id load it up, but i dont see the reasoning in it when im only going 1/2 a mile down the road. I mean, if i obey the traffic laws and whatnot, just let me go. Im not causing a disruption or anything.
If I'm going to ride on the road, I'll do it when it gets dark out, all they see is my light stuck on high beam, lol
all, my roads by my house are long and have a law that goes into effect in the winter where atv's are legal on them, also if a cop pulls up on my road, by time he see's me i'm gone, just a blue flash and the smell of 2 stroke exhaust!!! i love livin in the country!!!

same here just not a law its more on a need to know basis here if you live in the country and need to go to the neighbors the DNR dont care and cops dont ride the back roads here... all they see here is a yellow seat and alot of noise, headlights get in the way haha
I stop for a cop if I'm pinned... if it's wide open back roads... hit the gas harder. If the cop pulls me over and is being a fag and is going to do something, I would wait until he is unexpected and take of! They can't follow blue smoke for long!
If the cop pulls me over and is being a fag and is going to do something, I would wait until he is unexpected and take of! They can't follow blue smoke for long!
They only problems with that is 1) they ask for ID so if you do run they can just come by your house one day and have a nice long chat with you. And 2) You have to shut your bike off, what if it doesn't start the first kick and they cop is right there? even if it does start first kick it still takes a few seconds from start to the time you get it in gear and take off.
Just saying...
To those debating whether to take off or be pulled over...best answer is to do both. Wait until the cop pulls you over and gets out then take off. I don't plan on getting pulled over and points on my license/ fined for riding on the damn street following the laws( stop signs etc.) . Must be nice for those saying to not ride on the roads. Only way to get anywhere around here. It's not a far ride to the trails though so I don't see it being too hard to lose the cops. If I had nowhere to go I would just take the fines. I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard to lose them in the snow if you had somewhere to take off to.
Run run run brotha they wont catch you unless your box in or crash.... What i do is pull over hold the clutch then wen the cop gets away from the car put it in first and haul ass