well.. in the looks dept.. i have less than 10 bucks into making it look better, since the power cone and polish i already had same with the cermaic header paint..
to answer some questions..
for the nerf i used mother mag& aluminum polished with a mother power cone, on a black and decker corded drill.. went over them twice first pass moving the power cone in the oposit direction it is spinning, second pass is moving it back and forth.. like in a cuttion motiong with a saw,
exhaust paint, its from VHT an can be orderd off line or in stock at most car parts store, its called vht flame proof, its made for 1500-2000 degree exhaust temps, its made for manofolds and headers, you spray it on just like you would spray paint, than let it dry, than cure it,
by curing it on the quad you let if run for a while so it gets hot, let it cool than run to get hot again, than cool, than ride..
my riding was doing wheelies in the back yard for 15 min,
and thanks for the complements guys,.. i had to paint this one the plastics were soo beat, and stil are but the pait hids alot of it, i am gonna order maier race fronts and normal maier rears once funds alow cuz i dont like cracked plastics..
and again thanks everyone