Probably an easy fix, need help ASAP

trapper 1306

New Member
May 30, 2009
Scranton, Pa
Ok, I got my blaster out a couple days ago for the first time in probably 5 years, I lube all the lines and put new gas in it. After only a couple tries it fired and sounded pretty good besides maybe a little clanging noise, hard to tell. But after idling for a couple minutes it starts to over rev uncontrolably, same if I touch the throttle. I'm assuming a sticky carb that needs to be cleaned?
ok thanks alot!, one more question, i have everything off the carb except the one line on the right side that runs to the right side of the crank case, how do i remove it?
i'm not really sure, im new to fixing quads , although i worked on big block dirt modifieds all my life. im almost positive its a totally stock '93 blaster. there a 3 overflow? lines, 1 that goes to the fuel switch, and the other is on the right hand side and idk how to remove it. it goes to the rright side of the motor on bottom, in front of where it says yamaha, along with a larger line. also, to take the car of do i remove the big nut on top of the carb and leave that part which im not sure what it is there, or somehow take the throtle cable off of that part and take ot off with the carb. sorry for the dumb questions.
The big part on top of the carb is the tors unit.To take it off just loosen the locking screw on the side of the carb and then twist the carb cap with tors right off.Also FYI the screw on the tors unit is your idle adjustment screw.Also to remove that line I believe there is a brass crimp ring around the line.There is a slot somewhere on it.Just loosen the ring and it will pop right off,be sure to go easy as you need to reuse it.
Well after all that, the carb was surprisingly clean for sitting that long, but upon reinstalling, I discovered that the fuel valve is on backwards, so instead of having the fuel on, it was actually on restriced ^^. I'd assume this was the problem all along?