Pro-Lite series pistons


Nov 10, 2008
Eastern Iowa
are they any good. im tryin to do some reasearch so when i get extra cash next month if that would b a good piston to stick in ym blaster. any help would b awsome.
i have one in my blaster with ported jug and milled head it run great i even seized it put some oil down the plug and it still runs to this day
nice. then i might just go an get that next month if i have the extra cash. i so wanna go riding in the snow this year since last winter the blaster was down also. :(
yeah, i have pro lites in mine, i run hard and wide open all the time, never had a problem, the shop i took it to, to get rebuilt said that wiesco was the only piston they would install cause they're so good, nice to hear that your gonna get the blaster running, i thought you were gonna sell it for a while, anyway get the pistons, you will be happy, just to say, when i got the blaster i had it had older pro lites that were too small for how bored the ead was, thats why i got a rebuild, and i didn't know it so i ran it like that and it still ran like a raped ape, weisco's are the best, good luck