Prime's build

HA! I got the tie rods and upper a-arms coated gloss black tonight before running out of time outside. I am going to finish up the lowers and take some pictures of the set tomorrow!

Can't wait to see them finished.

My Frankenstein is sitting on jack stands right now waiting for a front end suspension :p


I forgot to post up these pics last night. I did this yesterday



Still trying to find myself a white 03+ hood
They are taken from my phone :p

I don't have access to my mother's professional camera to take suuuper nice pics, so luckily my phone has a 5.0 megapixel camera and takes nice pictures. :D

I meant it looks better on my laptop's 17" screen than my cell phones 3.5" screen :p
lol less than 24 hr...I live 15 minutes away from pegs and swingarm are finito...just cooling down now. I will run em up tomorrow AJ, unless you want to run down and get them.