post you EDC blades!

I have a "smith and wesson" blade I bought at dollar general. I stopped carrying nice knives because it seems like whenever I carry a nice knife... I lose it.

The last "nice" knife I bought was a benchmade griptilian in olive drab with the black blade. It lasted about three weeks before I misplaced it under the carpeting of a car I was working on. I managed to refind it about a month later and held onto it about two weeks before I lost it again (never to be seen from again).

I now carry the smith and wesson. The strange thing is, there are rules up the ying yang about where you can carry a pistol but nearly nothing about where you can carry a legal length pocket knife...
I carry a cheap Winchester knife I got from wal-mart. I work with calcium so no nice blades on me because it will just turn to rust
Until you slip up and take that glock into a post office and then you're in the clink... locked-up convict biotch.

Which is why I carry a pocket knife 3 3/4" blade (legal in NC as a "pocket knife") pretty much everywhere I go as a "utility tool" and noone says a thing to me.

The only places I don't take it are airport security (it gets checked however) and to bed with me....
glock 23 is my weapon of choice. carry it everywhere with me. i do have a few knives though. a couple of gerber's. nice well made blades, but i tend not carry them because of losing them or misplacing them after use.