Im lookin to buy a used FMF fatty of some guy but it looks to be tarnished and covered in there any way to restore the chrome and make it look new?
They make chrome polish specific for chome. With chrome polish all you need is a rag unless it is real bad then use some brass wool. Chrome polish will even take off rust if it isnt through the chrome. I've always used turtle wax for chrome.
They make chrome polish specific for chome. With chrome polish all you need is a rag unless it is real bad then use some brass wool. Chrome polish will even take off rust if it isnt through the chrome. I've always used turtle wax for chrome.
get awire wheel for your drill, and use that to get the heavy rust and paint off.. than get amothers power ball or power cone with chrome or alum polish, i used alum polish on mine and its shiney!!