pics of your VITOS 240 cylinder/head full kit


May 27, 2008
GTA, Ontario
i think buddy f*cking lied to me. keeps geting worse and worse. this cylinder and head looks exactly like the stock one. am i just asuming its not a full cylinder and head and im wrong or did buddy just sell me a stock blaster with a vitos big bore sleeve in it. the sleeve looks quite thin on the parts that go into the crank case(dont know what those protruding parts are called)

am i just asuming the worse or what? also, the intake boot buddy send me says on the packaging its in(and yes its bran new) 32-35. but looking at the new carb, the things MASIVE. its way bigger than the boot. the carb sh*ts pissing me off. i dont think this carbs ment for the blaster. il lget some pics of everything. ALSO i need someone with a FULL vitos 240 kit, with the cylinder, to tell me the code above the 195cm3. yeah it does f*cking say 195cm3 on the cylinder which leads me to asume its not the vitos kit, unless vitos does that.







so im not sure if it is or not. i may be wrong but iwant to make sure so i can settle this with this dickhead.

also, anyone know what carb this is? i feel like a noobie but i honestly dont know, its not stock, the choke is in a different spot.
my vito's cylinder says 195cm3 on it too. It sure looks like an actual vito's cylinder. Can't help you on the carb though, that thing looks like it belongs on a '70's mx bike.
You have the same setup I have, That is a vitos jug, vitos uses stock jugs to make his big bore kits. your carb is a 34mm mikuni If im not mistaken. looks identical to mine the best I can tell they where made for snowmobiles but mine seems to work fine I'd post some pics but my jugs at Flotek right now
still worse. carbs gay. its a 36mm not a 34. flat slide tm series. im not retarded right, the huge side goes on the cylinder side?
the big side doesnt go on the airbox side, does it? it doesnt make sence. do you guys need a size comparison? its f*ckING HUGE lol. i just need someone else to confirm, if so that would be good. now that i think of it, it does kinda look huge for the intake boot. if there was a intake boot for it, it would be very big and look odd. just need to confirm
maybe this will help this is a pic of my carb an the airbox adaptor and this is the direction it sits when it is installed sorry but youll have to flip your monitor to see the pic right (or tilt your head:-D) sorry I suck at posting pics
cant figure out how to post full size pics always these stupid thumbnails
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anyways does it run if its not in right? and no i have the right size carb boot, but i dont have the right size to fit the airbox on, IF the big size goes towards the airbox. not that i dont belive you ruthless, and if it runs then ok lol but just no one else has said anything
you have a vm roundslide also you have a genuine vito big bore cylinder too
take a breath and calm the hell down geez

mount up the manifold on your jug use a hair dryer get her really hot then jam the carb in it quickly ,it will fit with elbow grease, but prejet it first for ease of working on things
good call on that but seriously i dont know what to do jet wise, like anything. guy b4 said it wasnt setup for a blaster, well he didnt know. so what jet size, needle position, pilot and all that sh*t. my main problem is connecting it to the airbox. no idea how to do that and i dont really want to spend 50 bucks at vitos to buy the adapter. ive spent enough f*cking money.

other than that im chilled. going to bring the cylinder to a shop tomorow to get it bored to the new piston.