few pics of my 3 year old boxer titan.



used to have a shih tzu when i was younger

and had squirt my tortoise around 2 years ago, had him for 6 months and then yes... believe it or not he ran away.


girlfriend's 2 year old rat terrier....this thing's either wound for sound or laying on your lap


and my australian shepherd/border collie mix. he's my best bud, miss him when i'm at school but when i come home he always greets me with paws on my chest

deciding he wanted to go for a ride in the gf's old eclipse



and here's my mom's dog and kitten, dog is a lab/basset mix who's just a riot.

another of lilly

Heres the families Teacup chihuahua. A whole 6 pounds of TERROR!!!!!!!!!!!

His name is Chopper

I call it a glorified cat LOL...

He is pad trained dont even go out side.

Oh yah I have 5 wild animals too..... Oh wait those are called kids LOL

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This is my pit his name is RED!!

about two years old




That is a beautiful pit you have bro.....

I used to have a few Pits best dogs I ever owned. Some stole my last one I say it was Micheal Vick LOL. He was a Black, white and grey brindle with the same crop on the ears as yours.
These are my two boxers:

The oldest is 9yrs old the other 2yrs old we adopted from Arizona. He is wild!I:I

This is dewy youngest-


Oldest is chestnut-


We had a rabbit too but the younger one killed itX(.
That is a beautiful pit you have bro.....

I used to have a few Pits best dogs I ever owned. Some stole my last one I say it was Micheal Vick LOL. He was a Black, white and grey brindle with the same crop on the ears as yours.

american pits are sick. good looking dogs, shame they are banned over here in the uk for being to dangerous.
heres my boxer Koby hes about 6 and 1/2 months in these pics. gotta get recent pics, he sbout 9 1/2 months now.



i had to get rid of my old pitbulls cuz they atacked well he attacked my friends dog that was growling at me, hehe the other dog almost died and they made me get rid of both of my dogs bot another persons pit attacked there son and tore a muscle and they dint do sh*t wtf