gp tp your local autoparts store.. i perfer adance auto parts cuz they carry duplicolor.. this is what you should get
red scotch pads ( kinds look like the stuff you would use for cleaning dishes)
a good adhisive remover, or get a small can on laquer thinner ( prep solvent for cleaning stuff to be painted)
get a plastic primer if they carry it.. if not its ok
depending on what your all painting, if your doing front and rear plastics, depends on how much paint to get.. rears 1 can, everything 2
get krylon fusion gloss black or which ever color your going with,
than get a can of duplicolor engine enamal clear coat
wash the plastics, i use dish soap with degreaser, dry them, take a scotch pad and go over the fenders with it, you just needs to do this untell the shine is out of the plastics, you dont need to go to town on them just scuff them to get the shine out, if you hyave any deep scratches, or nicks, you can hit them with sand paper to get them out, than go over with the scotch pad,
than take your cleaning solvent ( zippo lighter fluid also works really good) and wipe everything down after scuffing,.. let dry
now use your krylon fusion .. follow the directions on the can, i dust the plastics with the paint and wait about 15 seconds before applying the first coat, i have learned that helps it set up
apply 2-4 coats depending on your preferance, allow to be dry to the touch ( i think fusion take 10-15 to be 'dry'
than clear them with the engine enamal clear, two light coats than one medium coat,.. me personally i did 3 light coats, and 2 medium coats, and im actually gonna add 2 more coats after 7 days ( cure time recommended on can) just cuz im kinda anal about my paint jobs,
now let it all dry for afew hours than install back onto your quad and enjoy!!!!
you will be very happy with the out come.... my sig pic shows what mine looks like, i added the duplicolor clear effect sparkle top coat to mine before laying down the clear