Paintball misery


New Member
Dec 10, 2008
East Stroudsburg ,PA
well wen paintballin yesterday and my gun jammed in a firefight,like an idiot i fling off my mask to unjam the gun and smack,right in the eye,went to the er and i got cornea abrasions and hyphema,{retinal bleeding)and temporary blindness it blows
when i first started playin we played at night in my back yard and my friend was to lazy to go get his mask and put a piece of plastic over his eyes and got shot and went under the plastic and hit him in the eye.he couldnt see for a couple days and it was swollen shut for a couple days
damn man sorry to hear that but i'm sorry i had to laugh when i read it. Somebody was a sharpshooter huh? But i got shot in the hand once paint everywhere in my gun and stuff and my hand hurt so i had nothin to do but run lol
Damn that sucks.

Theres this kid that lives right down the street from me who went paintballing with my good friend sean. His Spyder got jammed, he took off his mask, looked down the barrel and BOOM. Bye bye eye.

I never, ever, ever took off my mask in paintball. Stuff like that happens in a split second!
that royally sucks man! the mask is there for a reason! i dont take mine off until i walk off the field of combat! when i played last time i tryed to act cool by just wearing a t-shirt and shorts, well..... it wasnt fun! my skin welts up so easily! i still love the sport though
last time i went i got shot in the ass and kidneys from like 3 feet away.
Guys didnt want to make me surrender so decided to be idiot and hit me, felt like i got a sledgehammer to one of my kidneys when it happened though.

sucks about the eye but its the most stressed out rule that all fields tell you
I haven't played in forever , but just in case , i have my jt mask , defogger fan , and the extra mesh cage that extends a little further , i did get shot in the ear a few times , damn it stings for days , I went like 3 years ago , broke out the Ghillie Suit for a 24 Hour game , put on my Night Vision scope ( just a spotting scope with a weaver mount ) and friggin killed em all night long . be safe , if its worth doing , do it right .....
Damn that sucks.

Theres this kid that lives right down the street from me who went paintballing with my good friend sean. His Spyder got jammed, he took off his mask, looked down the barrel and BOOM. Bye bye eye.

I never, ever, ever took off my mask in paintball. Stuff like that happens in a split second!

Did he lose his eye or something?