so I sold my sons kasea 90 with the trx250r chassis a couple of months ago and yesterday ended up finding this all stock DRX 90 on CL super clean hadn't been used in a couple/few years, battery was shot was about as far as I got into looking at it but with a jump starter electric start fired it right up. but I started it with the kicker to load it and move it to the side of the house last night. it starts up and seems to run fine, they put fresh gas in it, it still has the oil injection and stock tires with basically new tread. barely got the hairs off the back tires and the fronts still got the last of the hair on the tread and full hair down the sides... it's sad what I paid for this thing really lol. the 14y/o owner sold it, his mom said the same thing as me, why so cheap but whatever, 10th digit is a 7 so it's an 07 and this thing is garage kept in a house that see's 70-120* year round with very minimul rain/moisture (far as hawaii is concerned at least lol) I almost felt bad but my son was stoked, he likes it alot and I'm sure he'll appreciate the electric start lol. I don't even know how much this thing was used it looks VERY low hours and not used hard for those hours lol. anyway, onto the pix,
front tire
back tire
this thing is clean as hell for a used atv imo.
got it for 5 big ones LOL sold his kasea for 700 and threw in a bunch of gear. wish I kept the red chest protector now tho. I'll get him a armored jacked of some type for under his jersey but the kasea was a pos compared to this thing, it was fast as hell but super unreliable. would start up and run fine til it got an hour or so into the ride then it would die out and not be able to start til cooled. had a pvl and I attribute the problems to that thing or the top end maybe... never bothered to check it out, thinking he can rock this thing til he's ready for a blaster maybe. I'd love to trade this thing for a 50 for my daughters or a blaster or something for my son eventually. maybe even just flip it, yet to be determined flipping it for the right cause won't bother me at all so long I can get close to double what I got it for

front tire

back tire

this thing is clean as hell for a used atv imo.
got it for 5 big ones LOL sold his kasea for 700 and threw in a bunch of gear. wish I kept the red chest protector now tho. I'll get him a armored jacked of some type for under his jersey but the kasea was a pos compared to this thing, it was fast as hell but super unreliable. would start up and run fine til it got an hour or so into the ride then it would die out and not be able to start til cooled. had a pvl and I attribute the problems to that thing or the top end maybe... never bothered to check it out, thinking he can rock this thing til he's ready for a blaster maybe. I'd love to trade this thing for a 50 for my daughters or a blaster or something for my son eventually. maybe even just flip it, yet to be determined flipping it for the right cause won't bother me at all so long I can get close to double what I got it for