Ouch the pain


Staff member
Jul 18, 2011
eastern australia
What happened was, My son came round to park the quad, I was sitting in the back of the my van , which was parked a little nearer than the Blaster shed than normal.

The boy misjudged the distance, saw what was going to happen, panicked, and drove onto my leg with the bumper bar.

I grabbed the handlebars, but the throttle got put on full power and powered on against my leg which was trapped against the van.

The boy had breaked, and only came in slowly and if the little Blaster didn't have so much power it would not have been so bad, the back wheels dug 3" deep holes in the gravel path.

My leg was crushed between the Blaster and the bumper bar of the van.

A trip to the hospital soon had the hole that was gouged into the leg stitched up. Fortunatly no bones were broken.

I am now bedridden, and will quite possibly find myself on the BF more often.
Take care of that injury. You know at your age sh*t takes a damn year to heal. :)

Thats something i did not want to hear.

Leg is nothing to look at just a few stitches, but i will ask the boy to take a pic of the holes where the tyres spun.
Excuse the quality but the boy is not good with the camera.



Leg pic is not impressive but I was not about to cut it open to show the damage inside.

The other pic is of where the back wheels dug the path while the throttle was pinned.

Many thanks for your kind wishes.