Other Sports You Do???


New Member
Jan 30, 2010
South Carolina
Here's one of my other non-blaster passions. Indoor surfing on the Flow Rider. I work on HV Transmission towers for my real income and summer adrenaline fix and lifeguard in the winter and indoor surf for wintertime fix. Pics below. Anyone else go skydiving, bungee, base jumping, rock climbing, surfing etc?...





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nice pics and and even better bail at the end lol
the other type of sports i do are Professional Procrastination, play basketball in my spare time and brawling with friends basically a ufc cage match except for no hits to the face everything else is legal though and im getting faster and stronger
nice pics and and even better bail at the end lol
the other type of sports i do are Professional Procrastination, play basketball in my spare time and brawling with friends basically a ufc cage match except for no hits to the face everything else is legal though and im getting faster and stronger

Nice, 14. That is one thing I wanna get into. I just keep living in these little towns where there isn't anything close to an MMA gym. If anyone has a suggestion on that, feel free to elaborate cuz I'd like to try it out.
Nice, 14. That is one thing I wanna get into. I just keep living in these little towns where there isn't anything close to an MMA gym. If anyone has a suggestion on that, feel free to elaborate cuz I'd like to try it out.

We don't have any sort of MMA gym or stuff like that, whenever we are alone with no adults or anything we just start. you can probably somehow talk your friends into doing it at your house or something. Its insanely fun just testing out moves that you create in the back of your mind gets you ready for the real thing
Airsoft, paintball and anything else also qualfy. I was just trying to switch it up a little and see what else all the crazy asses on here do for fun aside from obsess about the quads. LOL.
cool pics man....i used to rockclimb, mountain bike, all that fun stuff, but now....im just too lazy !!....i lett the blasty pull me around now
well i still do the "extreme beer bottle tossing", and my other sport......
"sex position olympics", and do have pics, but cant show them here, baaaahahahaaaaaaa

cool pics nathan!!!! looks like fun
well i still do the "extreme beer bottle tossing", and my other sport......
"sex position olympics", and do have pics, but cant show them here, baaaahahahaaaaaaa

cool pics nathan!!!! looks like fun

lmao.......as long as ur not playing in the tonsile hockey event ahahahahaahI:I j/k lol
well i still do the "extreme beer bottle tossing", and my other sport......
"sex position olympics", and do have pics, but cant show them here, baaaahahahaaaaaaa

cool pics nathan!!!! looks like fun

lmfao!! funny sh*t there, i used to play football, basketball and baseball but im getting old and suck these days lololol :D I USED TO BE COOL!!! hahaha
I wrestle for my school...went to the state champion ship 3 weeks ago and got 7th out of 350 people that qualified. Everyone from my school placed in the top 20. We're in the top 50 wrestling schools in the country.........but I went 107-8 this season.