open read help


New Member
Apr 15, 2009
first: ill tell u what happened i was riding third gear powerband it bogged so i pulled in the clutch and it dies i spend bout 20 mins kicking and nothing happens

second: i get home check spark plug its a brownish red color i replace it with a new one still wont crank i pulled the spark plug back out stuck it to the frame kicked not a great spark but it sparked.

third: i fig gas problem so as most of u know by now ive only had the blaster almost 2 weeks. so i take the carb off there is hole with threads all on this thing the carbs clean but wtf is up if i had a camera i could show yall but theres just holes where something is supposed to go. the adjuster screw is there. the holes dnt leak gas or anything but they do suck in air but they have threads so they have to of had something in them. so put the carb back on and flood it gas runs threw fine. after a few i try to crank it again still nothing.

then: i looked under the hood there r wires cut just hanging theres about 5 or 6 wires cut just hanging there i know two of then are my lights i took off but the other ones i have no idea.

honestly i just wont to get this running i havent rode in about three weeks and im starting to get quite pissed at this blaster. hopefully i gave enough details yall can help me. also it does have compression.

one more thing: when i try to crank itll backfire every now and then so plz help me :-/
one of your adjustment screws fell out of the carb and was running lean after most likely. had a it175 do it to me once when i was trail riding. also check your base gasket like jeep says could also be the problem.
try pulling the plug, kick it over a few times then put a couple teaspoons of gas in spark plug hole and replace plug and see if it will fire up. if so then you know its gas/carb problem.
ight ill go do that right quik um base gasket is fine can somebody post a pic of their carb from both sides and can see what the stock one supposed to look like compared to mine that would help
well my dad wont let me put do that cause he always thinks ima tear it up. but since the spark wasnt strong u think it could b a coil problem?
possibly i guess or maybe a wiring problem. ex. bad ground. i would try gas in the spark plug hole to see if it fires up first. if not then it's electrical/spark problem.
yea i can work on it right now cant take any pics dont have a cord for the camera i do have a memory chip in my phone i know u can put it in the comp but i cant find the place on this labtop
i can tel u the color of the wires and i already now that most of the wires are going the same way the tors wires r goin
naw thats te tors they r unplugged on mine the wires behind those u can see that green one its cut and im bout to look at all the colors that r cut and ill let u know
ok the colors r as follows these have ben cut green brown black these three r together side by side then i have black with white strip and a solid black these two r side by side what do they go to?????