ok im stuck again

check and make sure u got spark if u dont have spark then its not ur carb take plug out and pug wire on it hold the nut on the plug against the head and kick it to see if u got spark
On the front where you unpluged the cdi from the thumb throttle, cross the wires. I took the grey connection from the carb and soddered the end together and it plugs right into the connection from the cdi. My ran perfect. Had to turn down the mixture screw, untill the new idle screw comes on friday.
yea i think some of my wires are being ground out because with my headlight on it wont do anything but with my headlight off the neutrel light will light up but thats it, it still wont crank does dat happen often on a 96 blaster
ok ill just give u the full story i didnt remove tors until i put twist throttle on and didnt realize it wasnt compeltetley disconnected till like 2 days l8r once i did that which was like 2 days ago i rode it for like 20 min without idle kit brought it up to my house and it died then we put the idle kit in last night and hasnt ran since it cut off like 2 days ago