nology hot wire, hot or not???????

The stronger spark will help some, but i think for 159 bucks you would be better off getter vforce 3's or putting it towards exhaust or porting IMO.

agreed..the nology setup is great...but it is more towrads the end of the list for HP making mods..
sell the fmf..get a power pros pipe..a good cage and reeds and take out the reed will have a lot more power.
most times those arent even worth it. yeah you get a hotter spark, but you can get more for your buck with other upgrades.....
idk if you do much riding in the winter time, but if you dont, now would be prime time for that...a wiseco piston is a forged piston...if you do ride in the cold, hope you warm it up good b4 ripping on it....
heck ya i warm it up, i love ridin in the winter, i am buyin some snow tires and a 14 tooth sprocket first things first, then gonna put a new rim on my mini bike and sell it for hopefully 200 bucks, then have roughly 300 and get a new pipe, howas that sound.
sure! as long as it sells for 200. fmf isnt a bad pipe, theres just probly better pipes....but upgrades here and there arent a bad choice. i wouldnt get a port job till you need a rebuild. same with headwork. and i would probly get a pipe that fits the style of riding you do...fmf is probly good for circuits the same also...thats how teh shee pipes are made...
i'm lookin for a good mx pipe so what would you recommend, i like the powerpro's and the shearer. also, my bike will sell for at leat 200, it runs gret and is pretty vintage, the frame is a old NOS frame and the engine is a older model briggs 5 hp, its a blast, might need a new clutch and air filter too though, the clutch stated scramin yesterday, so i fgure that one has had a good life and now needs to be replaced.
pretty sure a good mx setup needs a good amount of low end and plenty of midrange...if that riders dont use a bunch of top end power. need low-mid for pulling out of turns, and accelerating for jumps....
i would say probly your best bet. i never got into mx, but i know that they require lots of low and mid power. and you want a portjob to match your pipe.

i would say a low-mid pipe. bend direction doesnt matter.....
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