Nobby no spark advice


Oct 5, 2018
Oshkosh wi
I just got a 2003 blaster. Ran great when I picked it up went to the trails to go riding ran great for about 30 mins then died started first kick again drove some more died again started back up. Started driving back n died again an this time would not restart at all towed back to the truck pulled the plug no spark at all. When I kick it over you can see the light come on so not the stator I would believe. The tors has been removed as far as I know just what I was told thanks again
the lighting coil in the stator is separate from the ignition coil, lights have nothing to do with the spark pulse.

Tors removal must be done like described for 03+ machines, check the connection of the 2 wires right at the CDI/TORS unit....

unplug the key and kill switches one at a time to see if spark returns
check black ground wire at coil is to bare frame
Thanks I got spark just couldn't tell in the daylight I guess. Brought it home checked again in the garage that was good to go check compression was only at kit so tore it down piston and the jug are ate up pretty bad so go inng to go from there I got two stock jugs with it so hopefully I'll get something going in the next week for riding what would cause that much tho should I check my jetting. Thanks
Vito +3mm crank in there by the looks of things. that piston been eaten. sure it ran without a filter or a very dirty one. lack of maintenance and poor jetting there.
Yea it is. It's a vito I just got it so rode a half hr n that's it. Was running 32-1 yamalube not sure on the size of the carb main jet is a 340 and it had a new filter setup on their no lid but like a screen with Valero holding it on
What is your oil to gas ratio? I recommend 32:1 , running your fuel too lean (not enough oil) can cause this damage to your cylinder and piston.

If you have the oil injection still hooked up I recommend removing that as well because they are not reliable in my opinion the slightest bend or blockage in those oil lines will result in inadequate lubrication. So i would just mix your fuel by hand

Check your reeds and your air filter, debris getting through your intake can also cause this type of damage. Especially because your damage looks to me like it’s aligned with the intake or exhaust holes.

Considering the blaster is air cooled Heat Seizures is also a thing to consider too

There’s a lot of different things to consider when looking at a piston failure I listed a few possible causes of many, I hope this helps, keep us informed!

(Been typing this and took a break for 2 hours, just noticed your recent update, been working on my trucks transmission forgot to click post on this, so ignore my fuel ratio part)
If you have the oil injection still hooked up I recommend removing that as well because they are not reliable in my opinion the slightest bend or blockage in those oil lines will result in inadequate lubrication. So i would just mix your fuel by hand

Misinformation here /\/\ , many run injection with no problems. Joe AK-47 and BEST being two that come to mind. Problems you cite are lack of maintenance. Plugged line, you let dirt get in, bend in line, lack of attention when routing.
If you flip and it says upside down for a long time you have to bleed the system.

Air Leak ?

Leakdown testing is a must before running the new setup, I have testers, if you need one holler.